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  • 这就是数学!
  • That’s Mathematics
  • 作者:Chris Smith & Elina Braslina
  • 出版社代理人:Mama Makes Books(英国)
  • 出版时间:2023年3月
  • 页数:32页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

*作者Chris Smith是苏格兰获奖数学老师,曾获得2018年Pearson National Teacher Awards年度最佳高中老师奖: https://www.teachingawards.com/award-winner/chris-smith/ 


在2020年疫情最严重的时候,作者Chris嗯其他两位数学老师决定改编Tom Lehrer的一首歌That’s Mathematics,然后邀请世界各地的知名数学家各自录制一句。他们剪辑成一个视频,最后又超过50万人观看!https://www.mamamakesbooks.com/thats-mathematics 

孩子们能够被本书的插图吸引,也能同时学会许多重要真实世界的数学概念。书中更收入Try This以及Explore This的部分,让年龄比较大的孩子可以延申应用!本书更收入根据书中内容的练习,家长能打印出来让孩子们玩:https://www.mamamakesbooks.com/thats-mathematics-activities-1 




Chris Smith is a maths teacher at Grange Academy and has had a huge impact on the learning of the subject within the school. Chris played a major role in helping develop the Scottish Enterprising Maths National Final, which is held annually at the Glasgow Science Centre and offers a day of maths based competition for more than 250 pupils from across Scotland. He has been instrumental in ensuring that students from every local authority get the opportunity to participate.

Chris also developed the hugely successful “Maths wi’ nae limits” competition as part of Scottish National Maths Week. He has also produced a weekly maths newsletter full of facts, teaching ideas and puzzles for more than 2400 readers. Chris gives generously of his time to both Maths teaching within school and locally and nationally in Scotland, making him a worthy winner of this award.

Elina Braslina is a Latvian illustrator and film-maker. Elina has brought the song to life with her vibrant, lively scenes based on the maths themes in the book. She has created a busy world of children and animals enjoying activities that involve maths. As an homage to Lehrer, Chris asked Elina to put him in the book. Can you find him?

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