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  • 《狼与长颈鹿》系列
  • Lupas & Nanai
  • 作者:Diego Arboleda;插图: Ana Zurita
  • 出版社代理人:Anaya(西班牙)
  • 出版时间:2020年-2022年
  • 页数:98-112页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


"The best collection for early readers I've read in a long time"."--El Hematocrítico

《狼与长颈鹿:一个关于水的案件》Un misterio de agua (Lupas and Nanai. A Water Mystery)


《狼与长颈鹿:一个关于气的案件》Un misterio de aire (Lupas and Nanai. An Air Mystery)


《狼与长颈鹿:一个关于火的案件》Un misterio de fuego (Lupas and Nanai. A Fire Mystery)


《狼与长颈鹿:一个关于土的案件》Un misterio de tierra (Lupas and Nanai. An Earth Mystery)


《狼与长颈鹿:一个关于北面的案件》Un misterio en el norte (Lupas and Nanai. A Mystery in the North)


《狼与长颈鹿:一个关于南面的案件》Un misterio en el sur (Lupas and Nanai. A Mystery in the South)



Diego Arboleda was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1976, and a few years later he graduated in Hispanic Philology at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has worked in one of the largest bookstores in this city. He twice won the City of Badajoz Prize for Illustrated Short Stories together with the illustrator Eugenia Ábalos, and in 2012 he won the Lazarillo Prize for literary creation for his work Forbidden to read Lewis Carroll, a book with which he would win the National Prize for Children's Literature and Juvenile in 2014. In collaboration with the illustrator Raúl Sagospe, in addition to Forbidden to read Lewis Carroll , he has also published Billions of Pipes, Spiral Adventures, Wrinkled Papers , Los descazadores of lost species andElio.

Ana Zurita studied Fine Arts in Valencia, her hometown, and after finishing her studies she began her career as an illustrator, specializing in children's books. Since then she has published numerous stories in Spain, France and the United States, illustrating the texts of other authors and also her own stories.