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  • 《时光旅人》系列书籍
  • The Time Traveller series
  • 作者:Janis Mackay
  • 出版社代理人:Kelpies(英国)
  • 出版时间:2013-2014年
  • 页数:目前共两册,各240页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
书名:《意外的时光旅人》The Accidental Time Traveller
一个稀松平常的日子,Saul 前往街角店铺的路上,忽然一个女孩莫名出现在路中间,身穿荷叶袖洋装的她对交通或店铺里的商品一概不知。这名叫作 Agatha Black的女孩来自1812年,Saul 要帮她找到回去的方法。在好友Will 跟 Robbie 的协助下,他试图找出时光旅行的方法。Agatha 究竟能不能在 Saul 的帮助下顺利回到过去?

书名:《依依不舍的时光旅人》The Reluctant Time Traveller
* 用故事让孩子了解第一次世界大战的历史细节还有二十世纪初的苏格兰生活。
Saul 和 Agnes 再不采取行动,他们就要失去处所了。但是可以阻止这件事的文件早在1914年就不见了。幸好他们知道时光旅行的秘密!即便如此,回到正在打战的时期真的好吗?但当 Agnes 消失时,Saul 也别无选择,他不能让她自己回到过去。他们重返距今一百年的时间,在那里,Saul 和 Agnes 认识了一个哥哥和姐姐,他们是一栋大房子的仆人,正等着一名阴险访客到来。Saul 和 Agnes 和新朋友们试图联手揭开谜底,但他们两个知道时间所剩不多了,很快就要开战了。他们能否冒险成功扭转过去、现在和未来?

“This book is very exciting. My favourite character is Agatha. I found her quite funny and very clever, and I found it interesting to see the things she was surprised about in the modern world - things are much noisier now than in 1812! ... I especially enjoyed learning some history while I read. I would recommend this book for boys and girls who like history.” -- Children's Books, The Guardian
 “This is really a sweet story of a boy trying to help a girl from a different time go home ... The story is based on a real diary of the past written by a young girl that died from measles, so it has the ring of authenticity. There is a lot of misunderstanding and a lot of action in this novel. While it's written for young adults, I really enjoyed this and intend to buy a copy for my personal library.” -- Journey of a Bookseller blog
“This is a well-structured time-slip story that cleverly keeps its momentum and manages, largely through the sympathetic character of Saul, to draw the reader in ... he's friendly, generous and principled - traits that help him to grow in maturity and wisdom as his friendship with Agatha develops. The ever-present landscape of snow and slush, thick fog and dark winter skies -- and Christmas warmth -- adds atmosphere to this enjoyable story.” -- Books for Keeps

“This story is really charming, and in the end, very heartwarming. More great "stealth teaching" about history and life in another era as well as dealing with bullying and the meaning of friendship ... I highly recommend it for middle school readers and beyond.” -- The Goode Word blog
“I like the book and I think upper elementary school readers will like it as well.” -- Guys Lit Wire blog
“Janis is a clever teacher. Rather than explain the differences between life then and now, she uses humour and misunderstandings to provide a gentle history lesson in the midst of an exciting adventure. As well as forging a good plot, Saul is an engaging hero; he wants all the things boys want at Christmas but has a sense of integrity that wins through in the end as he and his friends overcome prejudice and bullying.” -- Lothian Life
“This book had a great story line. The characters in the book felt and acted their age. There was a good character arc throughout the book. I read this book in a fairly short time because the story just sucks you right in. Very smooth writing for an easy read ... The themes in this book were very good (themes such as: family, courage, standing up to bullies, acceptance of others).” -- Rantings, Ravings and Ramblings blog
“Mackay has written another playful, easy going story for pre-teens full of lively dialogue. We experience everything through Saul's eyes and thought-life which he directs towards the reader, telling us the story as it unfolds...Agatha comes off the page as an interesting, talented person, presenting fascinating facts of life in the past...[T]his is not a book which wants to educate children but rather give them a good time, encouraging them to read for themselves as Saul takes them by the hand while he narrates his adventure. Children will hopefully find the meeting of two worlds which have to rub along, getting to know each other and adapt, worthwhile. Saul's encounters, dilemmas and choices, Agatha's need to return home, her enthusiasm to learn and ability to make friends, together with the supporting characters' presence and influence makes The Accidental Time Traveller a pleasant, cosy read.” --New View

“Young readers familiar with time transfers from TV will enjoy the situation and absorb some information about life 200 years ago along the way.” -- School Librarian journal
 “A good, solid adventure story that engages the reader throughout and moves towards a satisfying conclusion.” -- Carousel
“I would highly recommend this book to adventure lovers” --Rhona, aged 11, Flora Stevenson Primary
“I loved this book, it is the best I have ever read, I would read this again and again” --Cera, aged 11, Law Primary School
“I have never been so inspired by a book” --Rebecca, aged 10, Kilmartin Primary
Janis Mackay 在爱丁堡土生土长,后来搬到伦敦念新闻。她有创意写作硕士学位,而且是Caithness 与Sutherland的驻点作家。目前住在爱丁堡,教授创意写作,是一位作家和故事家。她是 Magnus Fin 系列丛书的作家。