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  • 妈妈,我们做一个月亮
  • Mama, Let’s Make A Moon
  • 作者:Clay Rice
  • 出版社代理人:Familius(美国)
  • 出版时间:2013年5月
  • 页数:32页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*得奖作者Clay Rice独特的剪纸风格另人喜爱,让每一本书都值得收藏
Clay Rice创造了一个美丽、充满诗意的故事,关于一个不是非常富裕的家庭。他们什么都没有,但是有彼此,有爱,也有想像力去想做一个月亮。本书收入Clay Rice的独特剪纸艺术,慢慢追踪姐弟两开始收集做月亮材料。这些材料包括:充满银色的河流、天鹅的反射光以及两负鼠把的来自我想像力的梦想粉尘。
"A great talent who combines soul and passion." —Pat Conroy

"In this imaginative and poetic narrative, a sister enlists her mother’s and younger brother’s help in making a round silver moon and hanging it to the sky. Folklike silhouette paper cuttings over watercolor backgrounds portray the family’s delight in creating something out of nothing. Mama finds a recipe in a box tied with a lock of hair, and the children collect ingredients, including silver from a stream, three jars of fireflies, some marshmallow goo, a dipper of dew, and milk of moo. Soft rhymes move the creation story forward until 'they made a BIG moon as wide as the sky' and, with the help of the forest animals, roll and lift it into the sky, 'hung in the heavens, from star steps of love.' The tale begs to be read aloud, especially at bedtime, with a loved one snuggled close. The detailed and unique illustrations depicting rural mountain life complement the characters’ spirit of adventure and sense of family closeness." —Julie R. Ranelli, Queen Anne’s County Free Library, Stevensville, MD

书名:《孤独的影子》The Lonely Shadow
作者:Clay Rice

*本书获得Moonbeam Children’s Book Award
"Visions of real depth, Clay Rice excels at his craft." —Atlanta Constitution

"Children and their parents will appreciate the elegance and novelty of silhouette art which so perfectly complements this original tale. Entertaining and unique, The Lonely Shadow is highly recommended for family, school, and community library collections." —The Midwest Book Review

书名:《树枝》The Stick
作者:Clay Rice

"An immediate comparison to The Giving Tree (1964) springs to mind as a result of the arboreal nature of both tales, but this one is not as divisive. Intricately cut scenes of black, with blazing backgrounds of oranges and purples, invite close inspection and awe. Careful readers might even spot the stick on the very first page. What could come across as saccharine is given weight and beauty by both art and heart."—Kirkus Reviews
Striking silhouette artwork and elegant typography distinguish Rice's ode to the power of imagination. He cuts black paper into intricate scenes of play and adventure, framing them within majestic landscapes, dreamy sunsets, and blue dusks. In a Cinderellalike opening, Rice (Mama, Let's Make a Moon) introduces a boy who has no toys and sits alone under a spreading tree while other neighborhood children play. Then he finds a stick under a tree—a big stick, a special stick, with a rhyme carved into it: "Imagination lives in you./ It's the fire in all you do./ Use it well, and you can be/ anything you want to be." The stick opens up new worlds as the boy imagines he's a pirate, a baseball player, and a knight. He keeps the stick, grows up with the power of vision, prospers, and then, as an old man, finds a girl who doesn't have any toys and leaves the stick under the tree for her. Families and educators seeking wholesome entertainment will gravitate toward this old-fashioned moral tale. Ages 2–8.—Cevin Bryerman, Vice President / Publisher, Publishers Weekly
"The Stick is poignantly narrated in its masterful silhouettes against dark and light contrasting backgrounds. It is an experience to be savored by young and old alike, perhaps together."—Midwest Book Review

Clay Rice是一位剪影艺术家以及说故事人。这个传统已经在他的家族80年了。他的祖父Carew Rice被形容为“美国最伟大的剪影艺术家”,他曾经环游世界分享他令人陶醉的作品。Clay Rice在美国有非常庞大的支持,许多人会为了得到他的剪影或者要他的签名而不顾距离去找他。他获得的奖项包括:The Moonbeam Children’s Book Award以及Ippy Award for Children’s Book of the Year。他的作品被许多收藏者以高价买下,他在South Carolina State Museum有一个永久的展览。