*本书获得2022年瑞士文学奖 (https://www.schweizerkulturpreise.ch/awards/en/home/literatur/literatur-archiv/literatur-2022/fabienne-radi.html)
*作者是Jan Michalski基金会常驻作家
Fabienne Radi lives in Geneva but was born in Fribourg. During her studies, she navigated between geography, geology, library science, communication and visual arts. She created texts, conferences, objects, often related to geology, Roland Barthes and cinema, but not only. She gave a course on the representation of the scientist in pop culture from 2010 to 2013 at the College of Humanities of the EPFL in Lausanne, and since 2008 she has taught at HEAD – Geneva.
PUBLICATIONS: Peindre des colonne vertebraux, Sombres torrents, 2019; Holy, etc., art&fiction, 2018; C'est quelque chose, d'autre part, 2017; Oh là mon dieu, art&fiction, 2015; Ça prend. Art contemporain, cinéma et pop culture, Mamco, 2013.