• 蒙彼利埃之狗
  • Die Hunde von Montpellier (The Dogs of Montpellier)
  • 作者:Anna-Elisabeth Mayer
  • 出版社代理人:Schöffling & Co. (德国)
  • 出版时间:2014年8月
  • 页数:200页
  • 已售版权:保加利亚、拉脱维亚、斯洛文尼亚
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
为了追求知识,你愿意付出多少?Guillaume Rondelet是一位十六世纪的医生,在南法的蒙彼利埃一家知名大学教书。在这个年代,医生们应该整天阅读医疗文本,以及评论他阅读的医疗文本,不应该跟人类的尸体有任何实际上的接触,这种工作应该留给“急症伤口的医生。”但是,Rondelet却不同,他知道为了了解人体的疾病,他需要真正的研究人体。

Anna-Elisabeth Mayer出生于1977年,目前住在维也纳。她学过哲学以及艺术历史,之后担任移民女性的语言教师。她目前在German Literature Institute of Leipzig就读。她获过许多文学奖项,出版过许多故事以及文章。她的第一本书Fliegengewicht获得2011年的Alpha文学奖。

»DIE HUNDE VON MONTPELLIER is a thrilling portrait of the life of Guillaume Rondelet, a university professor of medicine in 1550s France. This historical novel is laconic and concise, and has a quasi-scientific and yet poetic tone. There is little artifice in mayer’s writing, as if Rondelet’s matter-of-factness had spread through its pages.«  new books in German

»DIE HUNDE VON MONTPELLIER is a convincing historical novel and a lucky strike for the genre. With a clear, authentic voice, Anna Elisabeth Meyer manages to tell the story not only of an essential part of the history of science but also of a fundamental moral conflict.« Fixpoetry

»A powerful piece of prose with a refined irony.« ORF

»As in her successful debut FLIEGENGEWICHT Anna-Elisabeth Mayer shows sharp irony and slight provocation of social taboos. She created the history around Rondelet with aesthetic exigency and storytelling talent and wrote an excellent novel about society.« Literaturhaus.at

»Without superfluous metaphors but with gentle restraint in presenting this epoch Anna-Elisabeth Mayer gives us food for thought for our present-day conditions.« DIE PRESSE Wien

»Anna-Elisabeth Mayer depicts a conflict as explosive nowadays as in the 16th century.« WDR 5