故事关於两个早逝的生命——作家Pia Pera和Rocco Carbone之间的故事,作者Emanuele Trevi则以两人共同密友的口吻讲述着整段故事。
Rocco Carbone 出生於意大利南部,那里的人性格倔强,沉默寡言,对生死存有严格而苦涩的看法。他的躁郁症和强硬个性使他成为Pia和Emanuele的特别朋友。Pia Pera 在卢卡的一个有教养但古怪的家庭中长大。在学习俄罗斯文学後,她放弃了学术抱负,决定打理托斯卡尼乡村的一处废弃庄园。Emanuele 是他们共同的朋友,他勾勒出Rocco和 Pia两人不同的个性,并重新描绘了他们的性格特徵:前者性格棱角分明;後者拥有着迷人的英国女士外表。他还揭开两人不同的爱好倾向:Rocco 对简化的痴迷,纠缠在他怒气所产生的混乱之中;Pia 的懦弱傲慢,则在她生病的岁月里,变成了勇气和内心的澄明。
Emanuele Trevi是极少数能够将自身的诗意和审美感受,以及个人存在主义的沉思转化成丰富叙事结构的作家之一。他的小说和叙事散文都带有一种「流浪者」的态度,因此读者不能不跟随作家的魔幻脚步。作者曾翻译过法国作家 Antoine de Saint-Exupery 和 Theodore Flournoy的作品。
“A beautiful reflection on the “impossible art of understanding life”, in the top ten of the Most Notable Books of 2020 for La Lettura - Corriere della Sera.
"One of the books I've loved the most in recent years" Marco Missiroli
“In Due Vite, Trevi manages to replicate what Rocco Carbone confessed to him that he felt in front of Courbet’s canvas: the emotion of an aesthetic revelation capable of generating surprise and wonder." Corriere della Sera
"A book I've been wanting to memorize over the past few weeks, incorporating the words as if they were my own." Concita De Gregorio, D - la Repubblica
"Trevi's words are important because they erase, at a glance, the literary line of demarcation between rendering the real and rendering the imaginary." Domenico Starnone, Internazionale
“An inner labyrinth of memories governed by the philological reconstruction of faces, interiors, streets, newspaper articles: 128 painful and passionate pages.” Il Messaggero
“A moving and poetic writing.” Vogue
“In Due Vite you can feel the strength of a story that probably has been pressing for years in the intentions and the heart, and that heart and intellect have found their way to pages so essential and true to leave readers breathless and moved.” Sandra Petrignani, Il Foglio
“Trevi’s style is unique, a deeply human prose of art, almost the prose of the soul.” Sette, Corriere della Sera
"Trevi's book is pervaded by the light of friendship, by the quiet and granitic strength of its sentiment." Lisa Ginzburg, Avvenire
"The ability to outline a destiny in just a few lines and to instantly trace an existential parable are confirmed as elective traits of Trevi's writing." Massimo Raffaeli, Il Manifesto
" In his new novel, Emanuele Trevi mixes fiction, autobiography and criticism in an unmistakable and fascinating style that is always put to the test. There is something ritual and magical, but also secular and earthly, that makes Trevi's autobiographical gesture precious, illuminating a constellation of other people's lives that is hard to forget." Alessandro Beretta, La Lettura - Corriere della Sera
"A true monument to friendship, an invitation to steal time from the banality of existence so that it is not reduced to a trivial game of meetings." Il Mattino
A memoir, an autobiographical novel, but above all a loving manual on the beauty of friendship that the author dedicates to two of his dear friends who are no longer with us." Io Donna
The grants will amount to a min. of 500€ to a max. of 5,000€ each and will vary depending on the length of the translation and other criteria laid down in the Call.
Any foreign publisher who, between January 1st and October 29th 2021, has sealed a foreign rights agreement or letter of intent with an Italian publisher can benefit from the grants. All literary genres are eligible (except textbooks) provided that the book is written by an Italian author and has already been published in print in Italy as of the date on which the Call was published (1st July). All languages are admissible, although priority will be given to translations into English, French and German.
Importantly, applications must be made on your behalf by the Italian party selling the translation rights no later than October 29th 2021, 6 pm (Italian time). You may refer any Italian contacts with whom you may have sealed – or are planning to seal – a deal within the above mentioned time frame to Ediser, the service company of the Italian Publishers Association in charge of collecting the applications (segreteria@ediser.it) and to this page on our website (only in Italian), containing instructions on how to apply as well as the official Call and downloadable application documents. For further information in English, please visit the Aldus website at this link.