※"She's my idol." (她是我的偶像)—Lady Gaga
※《纽约时报》报导了关於 小野洋子在80岁的年龄,还是有许多期待, "The World Catches Up to Yoko Ono: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/29/fashion/yoko-ono-almost-80-has-a-renaissance.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&; 英国《卫报》也报导了《橡果》一书” Yoko Ono publishes poetry sequel 50 years after first book”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2013/apr/11/yoko-ono-poetry
It’s nearly 50 years ago that my book of conceptual instructions Grapefruit was first published. In these pages I’m picking up where I left off. After each day of sharing the instructions you should feel free to question, discuss and/or report what your mind tells you. I’m just planting the seeds. Have fun.
书内 100张黑白素描图
《橡果》是一本教学性质的诗集艺术书,小野洋子邀请读者透过顽皮又容易理解的文字以及图像来发现深奥而时常复杂的真相。在这本书里面,她利用引人瞩目又诱人的练习题来锻炼我们张开眼睛,学会跟自己丶他人以及地球相处。在《橡果》中, 书中充满小野洋子从未公布过的素描!
小野洋子说: “《橡果》是活动性的诗歌,需要读者参与。它原本是创造给网络的,在100天里每一天都沟通一个新的指示。现在,它以图书的型式出版。我坐上时光机器,回到古老的模式!太好了!我加上了我的素描,给你更多脑袋锻炼。我希望你会喜欢!”
OR Books出版社Colin Robinson说:“我们非常开心可以出版小野洋子。她对於社会正义以及环保的贡献,透过充满冒险精神有美丽的艺术格式表达,完全反映了我们希望创的出版价值观念。”
OR Books 同时会出版布面封面的收藏版,部分收入会捐给Autism Speaks慈善机构。
![]() Photograph © Matthu Placek |
“I learned everything from her. ... It is a teacher-pupil relationship. That's what people don't understand. She's the teacher and I'm the pupil. I'm the famous one, the one who's supposed to know everything, but she's my teacher. She's taught me everything I fucking know.”
-John Lennon
''Yoko became an important person in the New York avant-garde. People came from long distances to attend the performances. They were the most interesting things going on.''
-John Cage, describing Ono’s pre-Lennon art career
“A hundred years from now, it's Yoko Ono the world's going to remember.”
-Charlotte Moorman, in the New York Times
“Grapefruit is one of the monuments of conceptual art of the early 1960s; [Yoko Ono] has a lyrical, poetic dimension that sets her apart from the other conceptual artists. Her approach to art was only made acceptable when white men like Kosuth and Weiner came in and did virtually the same thing as Yoko, but made them respectable and collectible.”
- Village Voice art critic David Bourdon.
“[Kurt Cobain] loved Yoko Ono and he loved her work. Then I got round to listening to it and I thought she was quite brilliant. Bizarre but brilliant. She sticks with her own thing.”
- Courtney Love
“I’ve loved Grapefruit from the moment I laid eyes on it, loved its sense of whimsy, its sense of play…There’s a reason Ono is currently a Twitter star,”
-David L. Ulin, book critic, The Los Angeles Times
“We truly loved her as an artist…We just thought she was a genius. I still think she’s a genius.”
-Kate Pierson of the B-52s
“She’s my idol,”
-Lady Gaga
"No wonder the coolest guy in the world fell in love with her!"
-Ann Magnuson, New York City performance artist