• 有这一本书就够了之什么都要瞎扯蛋
  • Cunk on Everything: The Encyclopedia Philomena
  • 作者:Philomena Cunk
  • 出版社代理人:Two Roads(英国)
  • 出版时间:2018年
  • 页数:304页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
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《黑镜》编剧Charlie Brooker在2018推出了一部伪纪录片喜剧,在英国BBC二台播出,找来喜剧演员Diane Morgan扮演虚拟的纪录片主持人Philomena Cunk,一本正经地胡说八道。瞎到爆炸,但又有很多哲理(有吗?),根本就是21世纪的行为艺术。
'This book is great because it covers everything in existence apart from the 95% of stuff not worth bothering with' - Philomena Cunk, star of Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe, Moments of Wonder and Cunk on Britain
'Essential reading for these slipshod times' Al Murray
'This is a book' Philomena Cunk 'Never contact me again' Professor Rupert Delgado, MBE

'Cunk for PM' Rachel Riley

'. . . book . . .' Guardian

'Truly the intellect for our baffling times' The Times

'This book is absolutely stupid' The Pool