• 致亲爱的读者:书本给我的安慰与喜悦
  • Dear Reader: The Comfort and Joy of Books
  • 作者:Cathy Rentzenbrink
  • 出版社代理人:Picador(英国)
  • 出版时间:2020年9月
  • 页数:240页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
*畅销书《爱的最后一幕》(The Last Act of Love)作者新书
自有记忆以来,作者Cathy Rentzenbrink就常常看故事看到忘我。她从小就常窝在书堆里,因为太喜欢阅读了,就连晚上也常常偷熬夜就为了看书。生活中有不如意的事情时,是书平静抚慰她的心。这些书本最终为她开启了一条新的路,她先《书商杂志》(The Bookseller)当了六年的编辑,后来又成为一位作家。不论未来会有什么,阅读总是能派上用场。
Dear Reader  is a love letter to stories and reading from one of our very best memoirists.  Joyful, poignant and essential reading for people who love books . . . it is a book to cherish -- Nina Stibbe, author of  Love, Nina
I will never, ever forget the way Dear Reader  made me feel: it is profoundly tender, generous, joy-filled, love-filled and compassionate. I have read so many wonderful books this year but this is the one I would buy and give away to everyone in the world if I could -- Daisy Buchanan, author of How to Be a Grown-Up
Beautifully written and a joy to read,  Dear Reader  is a best friend of a book. Comforting and wise, and with lists of books to read, or read again, I highly recommend buying it as a present for someone you love -- AJ Pearce, Sunday Times bestselling author of  Dear Mrs Bird
Comfort reading has been to the fore lately, and you'll find it in abundance in this joyous memoir of a life immersed in the pleasures and consolations of books by the author of  The Last Act of Love . . . It's chock-full of Rentzenbrink's splendid reading recommendations, from "Children's Books I Love to Reread" and books about "Bad Love", to "Posh People Behaving Badly" and "Helpful Non-Fiction", which her own book most certainly is -- Caroline Sanderson, The Bookseller
Dear Reader  restored my soul -- Sara Collins, author of The Confessions of Frannie Langton
A companion for readers everywhere . . . intimate, kind and self-effacing, it feels like someone is sitting right next to you, holding your hand and sharing their secrets.  I loved it -- Kit de Waal, author of  My Name is Leon
Dear Reader  is the best thing I’ve read for ages and it will stay with me forever. It is more than a book about books, it is a book about life . . . reading  Dear Reader feels like going to a terrific party, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones too -- Philippa Perry, author of The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will be Glad That You Did)
This is a book that shows what can happen when reading becomes one of the foundation stones in someone’s life, how it miraculously reveals a map when you’ve lost your path and how it will always provide a connection to the world when we feel alone . . . Cathy, prepare for adulation -- Diane Setterfield, author of The Thirteenth Tale
Dear Reader  is a comfort, an inspiration and a gift of a book for readers, reluctant readers and anyone who wants to feel better about themselves and the world.  I applaud Cathy Rentzenbrink, she is a truly brilliant writer -- Julia Samuel, author of Grief Works
Cathy Rentzenbrink在Cornwall,在Yorkshire长大,现在住在伦敦,是一位作家和记者。她的畅销著作《爱的最后一幕》(The Last Act of Love)有进入英国惠康图书奖(Wellcome Book Prize)决选名单。