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  • 静止:失落母爱的回忆录
  • Still: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Motherhood
  • 作者:Emma Hansen
  • 出版社代理人:Greystone Books(加拿大)
  • 出版时间:2020年4月
  • 页数:284页
  • 已售版权:英国丶美国
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com
CBC Books 2020 Selection
Globe and Mail National Bestseller
#1 Amazon Bestseller

2015年,作者怀孕满39周又6天时,当天医生向她解释说宝宝已胎死腹中,但她仍需要引产分娩。 隔日也就是预产日,作者在如潮水般的悲伤中生下了儿子Reid。9天后,她在自己的网站上发表了一篇真实赤裸的文章,她分享了产房照片,并描述每年约有260万名妇女及其家庭经历死产,但这当中却很少有人公开承认或谈论。这一篇分享文吸引了来自北美各地的数千个留言和分享。 她的故事很快被加拿大的国家新闻媒体报导,而她也透过自己的Instagram获得许多正面力量,这些支持来自其他遭受同样经验的母亲们,她们一起在社交平台分享失去孩子的故事互相鼓励对方从悲伤中走出来。


“This ultimately uplifting memoir will resonate with readers long after the last page is turned.”
Publishers Weekly
“Vulnerable and powerful... Still is a story that strengthens our bonds as humans.”
Christy Turlington Burns, founder, Every Mother Counts
"One of those rare books that catches you up and does not let you go. Both enriching and ultimately uplifting. Still adds an important voice to this tragic and too-often silenced subject."
Beth Powning, author of Shadow Child
“Still will help you understand, evolve your empathy, and give you a glimpse of what it truly means to have lived.”
Mira Ptacin, author of Poor Your Soul and The In-Betweens
“The world needs Emma Hansen’s beautiful memoir. Still creates a window into the heartbreaking experience of letting go of a precious child, and gives permission to integrate him with love into the fabric of a family.”
Anna Whiston-Donaldson, author of Rare Bird
“Still is an exceptionally authentic story of love and loss. As a grief therapist, I am grateful to have this resource."
Patrick O’Malley, PhD, author ofGetting Grief Right
“Raw, powerful, and poetic.”
Amelia Kathryn Barnes, author ofLandon’s Legacy
"This poignant love story gifts readers with insight intro grief and loss that have had the courage to examine so authentically. Emma Hansen writes from the heart and gently holds the hand of her reader as she navigates living after loss while loving always.”
Dr. Katherine Kortes-Miller, author of Talking about Death Won't Kill You
Emma Hanseng 是一名全职作家和兼职模特儿。2015年,她因在部落格分享自己宝宝脐带绕颈而胎死腹中的故事而爆红。如今,她是一名受训完整的专业助产士(doula),目前定居温哥华。她也是加拿大前残障奥运选手和世界知名的残疾人权活动家Rick Hansen的女儿。

作者网站  https://emmahansen.ca
IG https://www.instagram.com/emmahansen/